
Good Wednesday Morning    

Bowler Elementary

Today's Fun Fact: Honeybees swarm in spring because they’re looking for a new place to build a hive.

Happy Birthday Today: Harlee Welch

MENU: Corn Dog OR Grilled Ham & Cheese, and Cold Milk

School Store Today for Grades 3-5 @ 11:45

No After-School Clubs Today

Variety Show Family Night - Tomorrow Night, May 4th

The ABC Countdown

Today: E - Exercise Day:  Get in some extra exercise

Tomorrow: F - Flashlight Day: Use a flashlight today in class

Teachers, you will be dismissed by classrooms, please wait for your class to be dismissed.

Here’s a BIG SHOUT OUT to Ms. Malotky’s, Mrs. Austin’s, and Mrs. Hesse’s classes for having nice clean rooms everyday!!!

Pledge of Allegiance

Have a Great Bowler Day!!