Educational Options
The following are Educations Options available to Bowler School District Students.
Youth Apprenticeships - Program geared towards helping students gain work experience and employability skills while still in high school. Students will find their own jobs and work 450 hours per year which averages out to approximately 15 hours per week. This must be a paid position with a business. Students will also take one course related to their jobs per semester. These classes can be college courses or high school courses. Students must provide their own transportation to and from work.
Course Options - Please visit the following site to review information on eligibility and availability of other education opportunities for high school age students as provided by Wisconsin Statutes.
Open Enrollment Program - Please visit the following site to review information on eligibility and availability to school age students in Wisconsin to attend other public schools outside the resident school district.
Virtual Charter Schools (RVA) - Please visit the following site to review information on eligibility and availability to school age students in Wisconsin to participate in a virtual charter school. Charter Schools in Wisconsin
Home-based Private Educational Program - Please visit the following site to review information on the requirements associated with enrollment into a Home-based Private Educational Program.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Opportunities - All Career and Technical Education (CTE) opportunities will be offered on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to sex, race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, religion, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, handicap, or physical mental, emotional, or learning disability. Some of these offerings include courses offered in the Agriculture Department, Technical Education Courses, ERVING (ITV) courses, Youth Options, etc. Please direct inquiries to: Middle School/High School Principal; Bowler School District, 500 S. Almon Road, Bowler, WI 54416 or call (715) 793-4101 x2.